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Jump To: Directory (7)  |  Image (12)  |  Text (65)  |  Other (20)

Directories (7)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
desktop1   fonts18   Help5
IslandShow7   lib6   res4

Images (12)

Text (65)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
.legal.txt Text File 75 3KB 1995-08-28
acroread Text File 247 5KB 1996-04-01
AcroVersion Text File 2 4b 1995-11-01
archie Text File 28 379b 1995-05-18
brandnewwais.pl Perl Script 269 7KB 1996-03-21
brandnewwais.pl.bk Text File 212 6KB 1996-02-15
calendar Text File 31 478b 1995-05-18
catIPX.bkcsh Text File 156 3KB 1995-06-27
catIPX.csh Linux/UNIX/POSIX Shell Script 179 5KB 1995-10-25
catIPX.pl Perl Script 185 4KB 1995-10-25
catIPX.Sol1 Text File 182 5KB 1995-09-18
catIPX.sol2 Text File 177 5KB 1995-09-18
cgi-lib Text File 106 3KB 1995-10-07
checklinks.pl Perl Script 154 4KB 1996-02-15
checkmail.pl Perl Script 47 2KB 1996-02-29
cleanup.pl Perl Script 37 145b 1996-02-28
create_index.pl Perl Script 73 2KB 1996-02-15
date Text File 15 151b 1995-05-18
dbdump.pl Perl Script 449 10KB 1995-08-21
devinfo.pl Perl Script 49 1KB 1996-02-26
dtv Text File 65 2KB 1995-12-09
edit_info.pl Perl Script 375 12KB 1996-02-26
finger Text File 30 454b 1995-05-18
fortune Text File 15 172b 1995-05-18
gen.pl Perl Script 292 8KB 1995-07-11
head.html Hypertext Markup Language File 12 285b 1995-09-18
http-query-setup.tcl Text File 158 3KB 1995-12-04
initdev.pl Perl Script 123 4KB 1996-02-27
ireqform.pl Perl Script 185 6KB 1995-11-22
jpgtmp.pl Perl Script 386 13KB 1996-02-16
mail Text File 320 12KB 1995-05-18
mainmenu.pl Perl Script 235 9KB 1996-02-15
marc.pl Perl Script 795 25KB 1995-10-20
more_info.pl Perl Script 194 5KB 1996-02-29
newwais.pl Perl Script 191 5KB 1996-03-19
newwais.pl.bk Text File 155 4KB 1995-10-20
nph-test-cgi Text File 30 736b 1995-05-18
pure-comment-mailer.pl Perl Script 78 2KB 1995-09-26
pure-moreinfo-mailer.pl Perl Script 102 4KB 1995-09-26
register.pl Perl Script 44 2KB 1996-03-15
req_more_info.pl Perl Script 132 5KB 1996-03-28
reqform.pl Perl Script 182 5KB 1995-11-22
run.old Text File 24 578b 1995-06-29
Screendemo Text File 26 1KB 1995-08-28
show.pl Perl Script 98 2KB 1996-03-19
show.pl.bk Text File 77 2KB 1996-02-22
tail.html Hypertext Markup Language File 5 26b 1995-09-18
tarfiles.pl Perl Script 192 8KB 1996-02-15
tclsh Text File 428 12KB 1995-12-04
temp.pl Perl Script 145 4KB 1995-08-22
test Text File 20 309b 1996-02-22
test-cgi Text File 29 721b 1995-05-18
test-cgi.tcl Text File 55 1KB 1995-05-18
test-env Text File 8 107b 1995-05-18
test.pl Perl Script 41 590b 1996-02-27
today Text File 57 1KB 1995-12-09
tools.pl Perl Script 37 1KB 1996-02-15
transgif Text File 795 25KB 1995-12-04
tt.pl Perl Script 12 134b 1995-07-06
update.csh Linux/UNIX/POSIX Shell Script 138 7KB 1995-11-14
update.pl Perl Script 103 5KB 1996-02-15
uptime Text File 15 165b 1995-05-18
variables.pl Perl Script 8 132b 1996-03-28
visit_html.pl Perl Script 258 12KB 1996-02-15
wais.pl Perl Script 89 3KB 1995-05-18

Other Files (20)
cdm ELF Executable 289KB 1995-08-28
cdmanager ELF Executable 388KB 1995-08-28
FreeSpaceMsg ELF Executable 252KB 1995-08-28
httpd ELF Executable 119KB 1995-05-18
imagemap ELF Executable 25KB 1995-05-18
jj ELF Executable 29KB 1995-05-18
LegalNotice ELF Executable 262KB 1995-08-28
mc ELF Executable 1MB 1995-11-29
MonoMsg ELF Executable 251KB 1995-08-28
ovshow ELF Executable 160KB 1995-08-28
perl ELF Executable 334KB 1995-06-27
phf ELF Executable 37KB 1995-05-18
post-query ELF Executable 19KB 1995-05-18
query ELF Executable 18KB 1995-05-18
RSC ELF Executable 23KB 1995-08-28
screendemo ELF Executable 334KB 1995-08-28
waisq ELF Executable 999KB 1995-08-21
waisserver ELF Executable 822KB 1995-08-21
wc ELF Executable 5KB 1995-08-28
welcome ELF Executable 27KB 1995-10-26